financial support for SOCCER COACHES

Our vision is to deeply impact coaches and the game we love. Primary program activity is direct financial support, through scholarships and grants, that provide coaching education programs and experiences.

“The ripple effect of this scholarship would extend well beyond our team. By empowering our youth with skills and values, we aim to create a positive cycle of change that radiates throughout the community, inspiring young minds to dream big and strive for excellence…. The prospect of further refining my coaching prowess and magnifying our collective impact is both humbling and inspiring. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the betterment of lives through sports, mentorship, and shared aspirations.”

Gerardo Gonzalez

Miguel de Lima Fund Convention Scholarship Recipient

United Soccer Coaches Foundation History


The idea for a foundation was first introduced to the membership by then-President Bill Holleman at the 1989 convention. The formation and organization of the foundation was developed and expanded under later presidents. The first grant by the NSCAA, known as the Taos Soccer Project, supported coaching education for the eight pueblos north of Santa Fe, NM. It was not actually funded by the Foundation, but by a vote of support by the NSCAA Board following a presentation made by Jay Engeln outlining the initiative.


An NSCAA Foundation Standing Committee was formally established in January 1995. They developed a Plan of Action and mission statement. After completing their work, there was no formal outreach activity until the Foundation Committee was re-activated in 2003 with Jay Engeln serving as chairperson. The Cornerstone Campaign was presented to membership in 2004 and grants were first awarded 2005. The named endowment funds were established in 2007 and have grown to 33 established funds by 2024.


Following the success of the Cornerstone Campaign, work began in 2006 to develop a written plan for fundraising. The plan included suggestions for a revised mission statement; a second capital campaign; planned giving; and development of a “compelling case for support and urgency in justifying an endowment campaign.” The endowment campaign became a part of the NSCAA Strategic Plan.


In 2012, Al Albert assumed the Foundation chairmanship. Under his leadership, the Foundation continued to flourish with the endowment reaching the $1million dollar goal two years ahead of schedule, increasing the number of named endowment funds, and establishing the Legacy Society. Jeff Vennell took over the reins of the Foundation Committee in 2019.